Тестеры прочности таблеток MC.NET - networked hardness measurement

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Testeri prochnosti tabletok MC.NET - networked hardness measurement

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MC.NET - networked hardness measurement

One database, many devices

The MC.NET software is our innovative solution for external control of the ERWEKA hardness and combination testers. The software controlls all from the compact TBH 325 and TBH 425 up to the fully automated EasyCheck and MultiCheck 5/5.1/6. With the power of MC.NET, data from multiple devices can be stored inside a single, network MS SQL database and easily accessed by multiple installations of MC.NET in the same network. Thanks to its advanced Audit Trail features, the data integrity is ensured.

With the help of MC.NET, the user can easily qualify devices, create and use methods and analyze test results – all with full 21 CFR part 11 conformity and extensive Audit Trail.

All features within MC.NET are optimized on one thing: saving time while maintaining full documentation.

TBH to MultiCheck 6

Full control of the whole device

With MC.NET, users can fully control ERWEKAs physical hardness tester with an external computer.

The software supports all devices, from the manual TBH 325 to the semi-automatic TBH 425 up to the fully automated EasyCheck and MultiCheck 5/5.1/6.

With its user-friendly interface, new methods can be quickly created and tests can be started and later analyzed in no time. This makes MC.NET the perfect companion to our physical tester.

User friendly

with extensive functions.

Central data mangement

With MC.NET, the user manages all data used for and by the hardness tester, in either a local or a central MS SQL database.

Products, methods, users and testresults can be shared across several devices by the central database, removing the need to maintain the same data repeatedly.

Electronic signature

The electronic signature feature allows the user to fully digitalize the process of audit and release of test results, right inside the software. This removes the need for manual signing a printed document.

The report can be digitally created, audited and released by entering the users login data. With the vastly configurable user rights, the software ensures that only authorized users can run the specific steps of the process.

After each step, MC.NET creates a report with a unique protocol number. Simultaneously, all results are stored in the database and can be easily viewed at all times.

MC.NET Audit Trail with full data integrity

Tracking all changes

The audit trail inside MC.NET is conform to regulatory rules (e.g. 21 CFR Part 11) and tracks all activities of the software, logging change, user, time and (optional) reason (What, who, when, why). For quick completion of the audit trail dialog, reasons can be either predefined and then selected or entered freely.

With the Audit Trail Viewer, users can quickyly and conviently search and filter all changes to the system, never loosing overview of the system.

MC.NET hardness diagramm

Quality control on the highest level.

The optional hardness diagramm shows the force-path progress of the tablet hardness, enabling easy visual confirmation of the tablet hardness measurement.

The graphical results of the hardness diagramm assist with derivation of a method aswell as with selection of test parameters. The function also serves as quality control feature, because expected results can be easily compared to the actual diagramm.

After completion of the tests, up to 20 hardness diagramms can be compared to each other. The zoom function and different colors of the selected diagramms makes rating of the results as easy as never before.

The hardness diagramms can be saved and printed. Single data points can be exported as XML file.

Download our brochure for more in-depth information.
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